HomeA to Z ItemsConstruction MaterialsDirt & soil

Dirt & soil

Disposal options

CSWD facilities do not accept dirt, sand, or any other soil. We recommend finding a use for small amounts as clean fill on your property or a neighbor’s.

Other disposal options:

  • Ranger Asphalt & Concrete, Colchester (802-655-2005).
  • Parsons Farm Stump Dump, Parsons Rd, Colchester (802-355-5512). 9am-3pm Mon-Fri, please call ahead.
  • Contact a local landscaper or construction firm



  • Ranger Asphalt & Concrete Processing: call for pricing ($20 minimum).
  • Parsons Farm Stump Dump: No charge for clean fill such as sand, dirt, etc.


Dirt and sand are inert materials, and as such do not qualify as a solid waste. Neither is regulated or managed by the Chittenden Solid Waste District.
