HomeOutreach & EducationEvent OutreachWhat the law requires for events

What the law requires for events


Kat Moody, Community Outreach Coordinator
802-872-8100 x239

CSWD is committed to helping all events and venues in Chittenden County find the best ways to keep the maximum resources out of the landfill. Here’s what you need to do:


Whether you’re hosting a backyard cookout for a dozen friends or producing a concert for five thousand, you must make sure recyclable materials are properly collected and transported to an appropriate facility. Visit How to Recycle for more details.

A man scrapes his plate of food into a compost collection bin.Make recycling easy and convenient

Trash cans and recycling bins work best in pairs, and when they’re instantly recognizable. Venues and events open to the public must provide equal access, and containers must meet specific color and labeling requirements; see the Paired Trash & Recycling Bins page for details.

Spell out expectations in the contract

Event venues must include the following information in any event permit, reservation form, or contract:

  • Information about State and CSWD recycling and food scrap management requirements;
  • Notice that users must comply with those requirements as a condition of using the venue;
  • CSWD’s web address (www.cswd.net) as a resource

View sample contract language you can use to meet these requirements.