UPCOMING CLOSURE: All facilities will be closed on Thursday, 2/13 for our annual safety training. Please plan ahead.

Home Information Library Community Clean Up Fund Request

Community Clean Up Fund Request

Submit a request form for approval

Clean Up Funds may be used for:

CSWD’s budget includes an annual allocation for each CSWD member town or city for community cleanup and waste reduction or prevention projects. 

  • Cleanup projects
  • Waste reduction events or projects
  • Waste prevention events or projects

The member town/city’s CSWD Commissioner must approve the project. Details of the complete process and project qualifications are outlined in the Community Clean Up Fund Procedures and Guidelines.

Please enter the Chittenden County town, city, or village where the project will take place.
Project Contact – Name(Required)
The municipality’s CSWD Commissioner is the designated Community Cleanup Fund Contact and must approve the project. Please enter the name of the person requesting funds on behalf of the municipality if different from the Commissioner.
Please provide the street address or, if there is no street address, a geographic description of where the activity will take place.
Please describe in a few sentences the nature of the activity, and how it will benefit the community.
Please include as much detail as possible. If project has already been completed, please attach proof of paid expenses for which you are requesting reimbursement.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: doc, docx, xls, xlsx, pdf, Max. file size: 1 MB, Max. files: 5.
    Estimated month and year of beginning of project and completion of project. Include separate phases if applicable.
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