UPCOMING CLOSURE: All facilities will be closed on Thursday, 2/13 for our annual safety training. Please plan ahead.

Examples of acceptable organic materials for drop-off at the Organics Recycling Facility and some drop-off centers.

What are


Organics consists of:

  • Food scraps of any kind (bones and meat included)
  • Leaves, grass and yard trimmings
  • Natural wood (branches, logs, clean stumps, woody shrubbery)

Vermont has banned all of these materials from the landfill, meaning It is illegal to put any of them into the trash. This is because:

  • Landfills are airless “tombs.” Organics take years and even decades to break down in this environment, and because there is no oxygen, they create methane. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas contributing to climate change, and landfill gas systems cannot capture all the methane created as organics break down.
  • We can turn these valuable resources into local compost!

CSWD Organics Contamination Policy

Contamination of our organics continues to be a challenge for the district. Keeping our organics clean is essential to create rich and viable compost. Our Contamination Policy aims to reduce contaminants by identifying problem areas and providing outreach and support for correction.

Organics Education

Related Events

See upcoming CSWD Workshops and Tours, and holidays that may affect Drop-Off Center hours.

Upcoming Events

Annual CSWD Staff Safety Training – All Facilities CLOSED

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