UPCOMING CLOSURE: All facilities will be closed on Thursday, 2/13 for our annual safety training. Please plan ahead.

Home Licensing & Reporting Forms

Licensing & Reporting Forms

Important CSWD document or form

Unit-Based Pricing Form

Vermont law requires haulers to charge residents per unit of trash (weight, volume, or other) produced. The intent is to incentivize diversion of materials away from the landfill and into options that recover resources.
Important CSWD document or form

Commercial Materials Reporting

Any business that ships or markets more than two tons of Trash, Blue-Bin Recycling, and/or Organics to a facility not licensed by CSWD must report this information to us annually to help us track solid waste generation and recovery in Chittenden County.
Garbage truck picking up trash

Hauler License Application

A Hauler’s License is required for any person to collect, transfer, or transport solid waste, which includes trash, recycling and compostables, generated or delivered within the District. Please complete the application form below and return to us with appropriate fee.
Important CSWD document or form

Credit Application

To establish a charge account with CSWD. We bill monthly for feedstocks brought to the Organics Recycling Facility and for Blue-Bin Recycling brought to the CSWD Materials Recycling Facility. All haulers must be licensed to use these facilities.