Waste & Recycling Help
All the information you need to know about what goes where in Chittenden County. From Blue-bin recycling to hazardous waste, CSWD is your local expert on solid waste disposal. Let us help you manage your materials in a safe and environmentally smart way.
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How to manage…
When you’ve run out of reuse and donation options, these five categories cover what’s left.
Spoiler alert: Only Trash can go to the landfill.
Click on a category to see what it covers, how and where you can get rid of it, and why it matters.
A to Z List
Have a specific item in mind? Use our A-Z list search to learn how to properly dispose of it.
Customized help for…
Local Pickup Services
CSWD does not offer trash, recycling, or any other pick-up services.
We make it easy for you to find current contact information for all municipalities and businesses licensed to provide container rentals and trash, recycling, food scrap, and special pickup services in Chittenden County.
Featured News
See all the ways CSWD serves Chittenden County, and beyond!
Call2Recycle Partners with CSWD and Earth Rangers for Battery Blitz School Contest
New Materials Recycling Facility (MRF) Project
Upcoming Events
Here’s what we’re up to in the next few weeks. Click the button below to see all Board of Commissioners meetings, CSWD workshops and tours, and holidays that may affect our hours.