CSWD offers thousands of dollars in grant funding annually to help Chittenden County communities, businesses, institutions and not-for-profit organizations keep more resources out of the landfill and meet State and CSWD requirements.
Community Grants
Community Cleanup Fund
Each CSWD member community government is allocated an annual grant, based on the size of their population, for community cleanup and waste reduction or prevention projects. These projects involve the cleanup of solid waste at public or private property where the project is deemed beneficial to the community at large. Funds may be used for reimbursement of disposal, labor, container rental, and/or transportation costs associated with solid waste removal, prevention or reduction events.
Waste Reduction Grants
CSWD is offering $15,000.00 in Waste Reduction Grants inFY2024 for reimbursement of expenses incurred for qualifying projects and container purchases by CSWD member towns and cities, 501(c)(3) organizations, businesses and institutions. The purpose of the Waste Reduction Grants is to increase the diversion of recyclables and compostables from landfills via innovative, sustainable projects that serve an unmet need, and/or by improving the infrastructure—recycling and food scrap collection bins—available to the general public.
Recycling & Composting Container Grants
CSWD’s Ordinance and Vermont’s Universal Recycling Law (Act 148) require all publicly owned spaces to provide a recycling receptacle next to every publicly accessible trash receptacle. This requirement extended to private businesses and spaces as of July 1, 2016. These container grants are intended to increase diversion of mandatory recyclables and compostables from the landfill, and help CSWD members comply with their legal responsibilities. CSWD Container Grants are not available to businesses or municipalities for the purpose of providing collection and hauling services to their residents or customers.
Waste Reduction Project Grants
CSWD provides grants for projects that reduce or eliminate solid waste at its source, or increase diversion of mandatory recyclables and compostables from the landfill.
Donations Request
CSWD considers requests for donations of Local Color paint and Green Mountain Compost on a first-come-first-served basis to projects that further our mission to reduce and manage the solid waste generated within Chittenden County in an environmentally sound, efficient, effective and economical manner.