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Green Mountain Compost

Made at CSWD’s Organics Recycling Facility!

How we create our products

CSWD’s Green Mountain Compost starts by sourcing local ingredients (or feedstocks) to create a uniform and biodiverse recipe. Feedstocks consist of food scraps and yard waste dropped off by residents, area schools and businesses, select farm manures, small amounts of high carbon wood ash, and water.

After mixing the recipe, each batch goes through several stages of composting designed to foster the ideal conditions for micro-organisms (microbes). The microbes then carry out the seemingly magical transformation of raw feedstocks into the beautiful, rich soil amendment that is Green Mountain Compost.

The compost is then distributed as straight compost or is blended with mineral soils and other inputs to create topsoil and garden mix. These three products are sold in bulk volumes, primarily destined for backyard lawns and gardens through local garden-centers and landscapers. 

Why Choose Green Mountain Products?

  • Quality Matters: Quality GMC compost has the US Composting Council’s Seal of Testing Assurance (STA) for certified compost
  • Buy Local: GMC products are made from materials collected from Chittenden County residents and businesses
  • Help Complete the Food to Soil Circle – Buying GMC products ensures that food scraps and yard waste are diverted from the landfill.

Green Mountain Compost Products

Contact us for volume pricing and ordering information.

Bulk Compost

Made from local leaves, wood chips, and food scraps. Screened to 3/8”.

Price: $79.00/cubic yard

The cure-all for depleted soils! Amending soil with Green Mountain Compost improves soil structure, reduces soil compaction, and promotes healthy root formation. Our fully mature, STA Certified Compost contains microorganisms and nutrients that help suppress disease and pest infestation.

Best uses:

  • Soil building for gardens
  • Revitalizing depleted or damaged soils
  • Erosion control
  • Top-dressing lawns and athletic fields

Bulk Garden Mix

A blend of compost, mineral soils, and peat moss.

Price: $84.00/cubic yard

This is the ideal, ready-to-go soil mix for raised beds and containers. Our Garden Mix is optimized for filling – or revitalizing – elevated raised beds and containers, with the right mix of nutrients and beneficial microbes for growing lush, healthy vegetables & flowers. This product is ultra blended with our state-of-the-art Backhus Turner to create a wonderfully homogenous product ready for planting.

Best uses:

  • Ideal for elevated raised beds, containers, or planters
  • Also great as a ready-to-go soil for traditional garden beds
  • Easy-to-spread material for landscaping and horticultural plantings.

Manufactured Topsoil

A balanced blend of Green Mountain Compost, sand, and mineral soils. 

Price: $66.00/cubic yard

Our versatile, economical topsoil is blended for superior drainage and nutrient retention. It contains the organic material that plants need to flourish, naturally! This product is ultra-blended with our state-of-the-art Backhus Turner. 

Best uses:

  • Patching, seeding, or creating new lawns
  • Filling or leveling
  • Landscape Installations

Where to Buy

Customers who are purchasing and picking up two cubic yards or more at a time of any product can buy directly from us. Check out our truck/trailer capacity recommendations here. All customers picking up product from the CSWD Organics Recycling Facility must agree to these Material Receipt Terms and Conditions.

Customers purchasing less than two yards, or who need our products delivered, will need to visit one of the retailers shown (click on a marker for details) or contact a listed contractor/landscaper for delivery options. All retail outlets also deliver our products. Call to confirm product availability before visiting any retailer.


Products Available: Compost (C), Garden Mix (GM), Topsoil (T), Bag Your Own(BYO)

RetailerAddressTownStatePhoneDeliveryProducts Available
Berries and Beyond972 North RoadHinesburgVT(802) 482-2724We Deliver!C, GM, T, BYO
Claussen’s Greenhouse187 Main StreetColchesterVT(802) 878-2361We Deliver!C, T
Creative Landscaping & Garden Center113 Route 15JerichoVT(802) 899-8900We Deliver!C, GM
Village Hardware (formerly Essex Agway)364 Essex RoadWillistonVT(802) 878-3301We Deliver!C, GM, T
Gardeners Supply Company128 Intervale RoadBurlingtonVT(802) 660-3505We Deliver!C, GM, BYO
Gardeners Supply Company472 Marshall AvenueWillistonVT(802) 658-2433We Deliver!C, GM
Gardeners Supply Company220 Mechanic StreetLebanonNH(603) 448-6110We Deliver!C, GM
Garvey’s Gardens4938 Ethan Allen HighwaySt. Albans CityVT(802) 527-7839We Deliver!C, GM
Richmond Home Supply68 Railroad StreetRichmondVT(802) 434-2887We Deliver!C, GM
Trombly’s Greenhouse196 Route 12 SouthNorthfieldVT(802) 485-8394We Deliver!C, GM, T
Horsford Nursery2111 Greenbush RoadCharlotteVT(802) 425-2811We Deliver!C, GM
Sweet Pea PerennialsRoute 104CambridgeVT(802) 373-4651We Deliver!C

Delivery Only

Looking to have GMC products delivered to you? Here’s a list of contractors and landscapers who purchase our products and may be willing to deliver.

Company NamePhone #Capacity (Cubic Yards)Service Area
Adam Dantzcsher(802) 578-83474Chittenden, Addison Counties
JMP Excavation(802) 279-089514Chittenden, Franklin, Lamoille, Grand Isle Counties
Maddocks Masonry and Landscaping(802) 345-22825Chittenden, Franklin, Grand Isle Counties
Pat Stanley Trucking(802) 782-684810Vermont
Green Mountain Earthworks, LLC(802) 578-28867Chittenden County
BBC Property Maintenance, LLC(802) 598-92639Chittenden County
Renaissance Landscaping(802) 578-03025Jericho, Underhill
Jeff Lang Trucking(802) 373-89013-20Vermont
Beaudry’s Lawn Services(802) 777-58154Chittenden County
J. Labreque LLC.(802) 242-347814Vermont

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