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Home About CSWD Financial Information

Financial Information

This page includes information about how we are funded, our current budget, grants we offer, plus forms and other finance-related resources.

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Financial Pages

How CSWD is Funded

CSWD is not funded by Income, Sales, or Property taxes. Our revenue comes from four primary sources.

1. Sales of material we collect and process at our facilities

This includes revenue received from:

  • Blue-Bin Recycling that’s sorted, minimally processed, and sold by the Materials Recovery Facility
  • Green Mountain Compost produced at the Organics Recycling Facility
  • Sales of Local Color Paint made from paint recycled at the Environmental Depot
  • Sales of Special Materials such as scrap metal managed through our Drop-Off Centers.

2. User fees on incoming material at our facilities

These are fees we charge customers who drop off Trash, Hazardous Waste, Blue-Bin Recycling, Organics, and Special Materials for us to manage appropriately.

3. The Solid Waste Management Fee (SWMF)

This is a fee we charge on every ton of trash that is generated in Chittenden County and goes to a landfill. This fee is incorporated into the fee at transfer stations and the landfill. CSWD does not determine any other fees charged by facilities we do not own or operate.

4. State Grants & Reimbursements

A small, variable percentage of our funding comes from State grants for hazardous waste and other materials management, and reimbursements for Product Stewardship programs.

CSWD Budget

CSWD follows a July 1 to June 30 Fiscal Year. 

Budget Development

The Finance Committee of the CSWD Board of Commissioners reviews the proposed budget for the next fiscal year during meetings held generally between February and March. At the end of this process the draft budget is brought to the Board of Commissioners to approve for adoption. 

The legislative bodies of CSWD’s member communities then have 45 days to approve or disapprove the District’s budget; the budget becomes effective once approved by a majority of member communities.

CSWD FY25 Budget

Audited Financial Statement and Management Letter

Previous financial statement files are available on request.

CSWD Audit Report 2023

CSWD Audit Report 2022

CSWD Audit Report 2021 and 2020

Grants & Funding Available

Community Clean Up Fund

CSWD’s budget includes an annual allocation for each CSWD member town or city for community cleanup and waste reduction or prevention projects.

Clean Up Funds may be used for:

  • Clean up projects
  • Waste reduction events or projects
  • Waste prevention events or projects

The member town/city’s CSWD Commissioner must approve the project. Details of the complete process and project qualifications can be found here.

Waste Reduction Grants

CSWD is offering $15,000.00 in Waste Reduction Grants in FY2025 for reimbursement of expenses incurred for qualifying projects by CSWD member towns and cities, 501(c)(3) organizations, businesses, and institutions. The purpose of the Waste Reduction Grants is to increase the diversion of recyclables and compostables from landfills via innovative, sustainable projects that serve an unmet need, and/or by improving the infrastructure—recycling and food scrap collection bins—available to the general public.

All Chittenden County, Vermont, businesses, institutions, municipalities, community groups, and nonprofit organizations are eligible.

Applications will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis until all funds are disbursed or until June 14th of the grant year.

Review of applications will consider how well the applicants meet the requirements and intent of the Waste Reduction Grant Program. CSWD is the sole authority responsible for the approval of applications and reserves the right to reject any or all proposals.

Grant awards will be distributed as a reimbursement to the sponsoring municipality or institutional/commercial applicant upon receipt of paid invoices or receipts for approved project expenses.

Project expenses must be incurred and all receipts or other proof of payment submitted to CSWD by June 14, 2024.

Interim and final reports will be required documenting estimated waste diverted from the landfill, lessons learned and detailing plans for future sustainability.

Donation Request

CSWD considers requests for donations of Local Color paint and Green Mountain Compost on a first-come-first-served basis to projects that further our mission.

Learn More & Apply

Financial Forms

Important CSWD document or form

Credit Application

To establish a charge account with CSWD. We bill monthly for feedstocks brought to the Organics Recycling Facility and for Blue-Bin Recycling brought to the CSWD Materials Recycling Facility. All haulers must be licensed to use these facilities.
Important CSWD document or form


Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification