Help for Haulers
This page provides essential information and resources for businesses that provide solid waste hauling services of any kind in Chittenden County.
Explore this page:
State and Local Regulations Affecting Haulers
Visit the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation’s website page on the Universal Recycling Law (Act 148)
Items Banned From Landfills
MRF Quality Control Policy
CSWD Organics Contamination Policy
CSWD Solid Waste Management Ordinance
Licensing & Reporting Forms
License Application Form
Anyone who collects, transfers, or transports solid waste, including Trash, Blue-Bin Recycling, and Organics that are generated or delivered within Chittenden County must have a current CSWD Hauler License.
Insurance Requirement
Haulers are required to provide a copy of a certificate of insurance indicating their company maintains liability insurance at or above the following levels: $100K per person and $300K per occurrence for personal injury or death, and $100K per occurrence for property damage. CSWD must be named as an additional insured on the policy.
Unit-Based Pricing Form
Vermont law requires haulers to charge residents per unit of trash (weight, volume, or other) produced. The intent is to incentivize diversion of materials away from the landfill and into options that recover resources.
Haulers providing residential curbside pickup services for residents are required to file their pricing system on or before May 1st of each year. This is included in our licensing process.
Use the below to report changes to your pricing structure.
Credit Application-Commercial
To establish a charge account with CSWD. We bill monthly for feedstocks brought to the Organics Recycling Facility and for Blue-Bin Recycling brought to the CSWD Materials Recycling Facility. All haulers must be licensed to use these facilities.
Tire Hauler Reporting Form
To be completed by licensed tire haulers (login required)
Upcoming Events
Here’s what we’re up to in the next few weeks. Click the button below to see all Board of Commissioners meetings, CSWD workshops and tours, and holidays that may affect our hours.