The following facilities are designed for large loads only. If you have less than 1 cubic yard of any material, please visit a CSWD Drop-Off Center, or call your hauler.
All loads entering these facilities must be covered to minimize the possibility of items flying out of the vehicle. Fees are based on weight; minimum fees may apply.
Note: Many of these facilities are not owned or operated by CSWD.
Trash & other landfill material
As of July 1, 2014, transfer stations must accept mandatory recyclables. However, mandatory recyclables may NOT be mixed with trash. Anyone mixing trash and mandatory recyclables such as cardboard, paper, beverage containers, etc. may be fined.
Items banned from landfill disposal are not accepted at transfer stations (mandatory recyclables are accepted only if separated from landfill-bound trash). A fee of $20 per ton (minimum fee of $60) will be assessed on loads that contain banned materials. See section 4.13 of the Solid Waste Management Ordinance for details.
All Cycle Transfer Station
Fees, specs and hours are subject to change. Contact transfer station directly to confirm.
Owned and operated by: Casella Waste Systems
Location: 220 Avenue B, Williston, VT 05495
Hours: Call to confirm.
Phone: (802) 651-5412
Fees: As of 5/12/23 – $165 per ton for waste from Chittenden County; $62 minimum fee per load (covers up to 800 lbs). Additional fees may apply for mattresses, box springs and sofas.
Payment types accepted: Cash, local checks, credit cards
Construction & Demolition debris (C&D)
Myers Recycling Center
This facility accepts a limited range of construction materials for recycling. Visit the C&D page for more information on C&D debris. Fees, specs and hours are subject to change. Contact transfer station directly to confirm.
Owned and operated by: Myers
Location: 216 Red Can Dr. Colchester, VT 05446
Hours: Call to confirm.)
Phone: (802) 655-4312
Fees: As of 5/12/23 – $185/ton; $75 minimum (covers up to 800 lbs.)
Payment type accepted: Cash, local check, credit card
All Cycle Transfer Station
This facility accepts a limited range of construction materials for recycling. Visit the C&D page for more information on C&D debris. Fees, specs and hours are subject to change. Contact transfer station directly to confirm.
Owned and operated by: Casella Waste Systems
Location: 220 Avenue B, Williston, VT 05495
Hours: Call to confirm.
Phone: (802) 651-5412
Fees: As of 5/12/23: $165 per ton for waste from Chittenden County; $62 minimum fee per load (covers up to 800 lbs). Additional fees may apply for mattresses, box springs, sofas.
Payment types accepted: Cash, local checks, credit cards
Loads of mandatory recyclables that are more than a cubic yard–about a standard pickup truck bed full–should go to the CSWD Drop-Off Centers in Essex or Williston.
Businesses that are self-hauling recurring large loads of recyclables should contact CSWD’s Business Outreach Coordinator at 802-872-8100 x208 or [email protected] for help determining the best option for your situation.
Food Waste
For large loads that contain only food waste and accepted compostable products:
Green Mountain Compost
Owned & Operated by: Chittenden Solid Waste District (CSWD)
Location: 1042 Redmond Rd, Williston, VT 05495
Hours: Mon – Fri 8 am – 3:30 pm Visit website for seasonal hours.
Phone: (802) 660-4949
Fees: $65.00 per ton (as of July 2022); $5 minimum fee
Payment type accepted: local check, credit card
Leaves & Yard Debris
For large loads that contain only leafy yard debris (no wood):
Green Mountain Compost
Owned & Operated by: Chittenden Solid Waste District (CSWD)
Location: 1042 Redmond Rd, Williston, VT 05495
Hours: Mon – Fri 8 am – 4 pm Visit website for seasonal hours.
Phone: (802) 660-4949
Fees: No charge
Limits: No limits
Wood: Natural and Untreated/Unpainted Only
McNeil Wood Depot
Owned & Operated by: Burlington Electric Department (BED)
Location: 111 Intervale Rd., Burlington, VT 05401
Hours: Visit website for hours.
Phone: (802) 864-7446
Fees: No charge
Limits: No limits
Other materials
Search the A-Z list for disposal options for loads of other materials, such as asphalt and clean fill.